
Showing posts from December, 2019

Bailed tycoon Ghosn flees to Lebanon from 'rigged' Japan

MSC Cruises' new and largest ship, MSC Grandiosa, crashes in the port of Palermo, Sicily

Raging wildfires trap 4,000 at Australian town's waterfront

Warren Assails Lobbying Against Her Health Plan: Campaign Update

U.S.-Japan Trade Deal Takes Effect With Second Round in Doubt

In Leaked Memo, Andrew Yang Asks DNC for More Debate Polls

Officials struggle to determine cause of fatal Louisiana plane crash

North Korean leader calls for 'military countermeasures'

Chief Justice John Roberts says Americans may 'take democracy for granted' - CNN

Second Republican Senator Criticizes Mitch McConnell Over Impeachment - Newsweek

2nd Senate Republican Questions Impartiality of Impeachment Trial - The New York Times

Monsey stabbing suspect Grafton Thomas booted by Marines 'for fraudulent enlistment' - New York Post

2020 Democratic candidates ringing in the new year with supporters - Fox News

North Korea Is No Longer Bound by Nuclear Test Moratorium, Kim Says - The New York Times

MAX Crashes Strengthen Resolve of Boeing to Automate Flight - Wall Street Journal

Stocks ended the decade with a bang - CNN

Alexa can now beat you at board games, including Ticket to Ride - Polygon

HURRY: AirPods Pro are back down to Black Friday’s price, but not for long - BGR

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry share delightful photo of baby Archie ahead of the new year - Fox News

Source -- Cowboys' Jerry Jones meets with Jason Garrett again - ESPN

Texas Churchgoers Welcomed the Poor, but Sensed This One Was Trouble

Al interior de un tribunal de guerra estadounidense: la ropa y la cultura en Guantánamo

Science Panel Staffed With Trump Appointees Says E.P.A. Rollbacks Lack Scientific Rigor

U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria hit sites linked to Iran

Swiss Embassy worker detained in Sri Lanka gets bail

Saudi Arabia Sentences Man to Death for Theater Stabbings: TV

Republican senator: no rules, many options for Trump impeachment trial

Parishioner Who Volunteered for Texas Church's Security Team Killed Gunman in Shooting. Here’s What to Know

US strikes Iran-backed militia strongholds in Iraq and Syria

Rudy Giuliani reportedly participated in a phone call with Nicolás Maduro. The White House was confused.

Duterte Renews Attacks on TV Network, Urges Owners to Sell

Turkey arrests 94 Islamic State suspects ahead of New Year

Mexican Police Chief Arrested in Mormon Massacre Case

Greta Thunberg said it would be a waste of time for her to talk to Trump about climate change

Trump's latest call with Putin raises more questions than it answers - CNN

Woman charged with a hate crime 'for slapping three Jewish women' assaults another person - Daily Mail

Winter storm heading East ahead of New Year's Eve - CBS Evening News

Amid Turkey deployment bid, France, Egypt urge restraint in Libya - Al Jazeera English

Netflix's top series, movies of 2019 reveals audience's penchant for crime - NBC News

The Best Movies to Watch on New Year's Eve - Lifehacker

Le'Veon Bell responds on social media after Jets coach Adam Gase's puzzling quote - CBS Sports

Pompeo to Meet With Ukraine’s Zelensky in Kyiv

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit by Ex-Trump Aide Subpoenaed in Impeachment Inquiry

Schumer Demands Witnesses Be Called at Senate Impeachment Trial

Double the Federal Minimum Wage

After Death From Falling Debris, Violations Found at 220 Buildings

Hawaii helicopter crash: Six people dead and one person missing after crash at top of 'Jurassic Park island'

Republican senator says ‘there are virtually no rules’ for impeaching Trump

Man, 60, dies after beating in $1 Christmas Eve mugging

North Korea begins key meeting before year-end deadline for U.S.

Turkey evacuates wounded after deadly Mogadishu blast

Navy Seal Edward Gallagher described by his own unit as 'evil', 'toxic' and 'perfectly OK with killing anybody'

NTSB: Poor condition of wreckage will slow plane crash probe

Ukraine, Rebels Complete Prisoner Swap Under Deal With Putin

McDonald's workers' quick actions keep woman safe from man who threatened her, police say

CNN anchor uses gumballs to portray Donald Trump's thousands of false claims - CNN